Nohemi Lopez, RDN & Founder of TSN

Hi there! I’m Nohemi (pronounced noh-eh-mee), a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Intuitive Eating Coach. My goal is to set you up for lifelong success by using a non-diet nutrition lens and a weight-neutral approach to health.

A little about me:

I personally struggled with multiple eating disorders before becoming a dietitian. I understand exactly how overwhelming and difficult navigating recovery can feel, which is why my goal for every single one of my clients is to give them the support & resources I wish I had when I was in their shoes.

I help individuals get them to a place where food & nourishment feels easy. I created resources & teach all the concepts necessary to successfully help them achieve this.

What’s Possible For You

Through our work together, you will learn how to:

  • Build a healthy & balanced mindset around food & nutrition

  • Learn & respect your body’s unique needs without restriction

  • Find your unique set point weight (also referred to as ‘happy weight’)

  • How to deal with cravings, overeating, binge eating, and emotional eating

I have helped dozens of women find balance in their nutrition, and I’d be absolutely honored to guide you too.